


Famous city situated on one terrace facing east to the sea, with the Vulcano Aetna to the southern side. Beautiful places to see: the Corvaja Palace, the Graeco-Roman Theatre, the Cathedral, the Palace Duke of St. Stefan, the Roman Theatre Odeon. But the city reserves other interesting occasions of visits.


Founded about 730 B.C., for centuries it has represented a very strong fortress of the Greek civilization, against Carthaginians, Etruscan and Roman populations. It’s rich of art, history, architecture.

Piazza Armerina

Situated in the center of a hill chain, near Enna, it is famous for the “Mosaics of the Roman Palace of Casale” that constitute a document of very important artistic value and custom of the roman age. It was built around the 3rd- 4th centuries A.D., and disappeared because of a landslide, after 1161. The mosaics rediscovered in 1950, and they are extended for a surface of 3.500 m2in size.


City founded, according to Tucidide, in 729 B.C. by the Greek Colonies. From the Greek age there is the Ancient Theatre, V sec. B.C.. Traces from the Roman age there is the Amphitheatre and the Rotonda, Address and Achilliane spa. About 1250, Frederick II of Swabia made to build the Ursino Castle. Finally the eighteenth-century city, built after the earthquake of 1693 with important monuments: the Cathedral square and the University square, Etnea Street and Crociferi Road. Not far from the city there is the Riviera of the Cyclopes and the Oasis of the Simeto with its incomparable natural and beautiful landscaped.

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